Our World Mission Offering provides additional financial resources to allow us to fulfill our mission to see image bearers restored through the gospel to be and multiply disciples of Jesus.
This offering raises money to support our worldwide mission activity locally, nationally, and internationally, from local outreach and disaster relief to missionary support, church planting, and mission trips.
During the December World Mission Offering emphasis, one-half of the financial gifts will go to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering of the International Mission Board, and the other half will go to our World Mission Offering fund. In the Spring World Mission Offering emphasis, one-half of the financial gifts will go to the Annie Armstrong Offering of the North American Mission Board, and one-half will go to our World Mission Offering fund.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering of the International Mission Board provides financial support for more than 3,500 missionaries serving internationally to share the gospel and lead others to faith in Jesus Christ. In 2023, IMB highlights include:

  • 1,036 unique people groups engaged
  • 879,798 people heard the gospel
  • 141,206 new followers of Jesus
  • 269,571 believers discipled
  • 12,618 Christians trained in church planting

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering of the North American Mission Board funds the training and resourcing of about 3,000 missionaries and their families, who serve in planting churches and compassion ministries to share the gospel across North America. Since 2010, Southern Baptist Churches, through the North American Mission Board, have begun more than 11,000 churches.
Our goal with the World Mission Offering is not a financial total but a participation percentage. We want to see 100% member participation. Whatever amount you can give will have an eternal impact!